Welcome to the Kilchrenan Primary Parent Council pages.
The Parent Council has a new legal function to play in addition to its current role. New legislation, following on from consultations, requires that the school handbook is drawn up in a partnership between staff, parents and pupils.
The next Parent Council meeting has crucial work in discussing this, holding it's AGM, and in appointing new office bearers. The school has agreed to help parents find a suitable date and time.

- Support the school in its work with pupils
- represent the views of all parents
- encourage links between the school, parents, pupils, pre-school groups and the wider community
- report back to all the parents in the school (called the Parent Forum)
- play a role in the appointment of headteachers and depute headteachers
- support the school and pupils during school inspections.

Some Useful Links to more about Parent Council
Office Bearers
Chairperson - vacant
Vice Chair - vacant
​Treasurer - vacant
Clerk - Mrs Gela Rose
This link
will work soon.
The parent Council is in the process of being replaced with a community/ parent group, at the parents request. Details to follow.